Curbside Service

  1. Place items on hold, and choose a curbside location for pickup.
  2. Wait for notification, then call us when you plan to pick up.
  3. You will receive email or phone notification when your hold is available for pickup. Wait times for holds placed online are currently longer than usual.
  4. After you receive notification, call your curbside pickup library and have your library card barcode available. For faster service onsite, call ahead with an estimated time of arrival so staff can have your items ready.
  5. Staff will check out your items, put them in a plastic bag, and place the bag on a cart outside of the building.
  6. After calling, pick up your items at the curbside location.
  7. Bags will be on a cart outside the building.
  8. Find your bag labeled with your hold pickup number (this is written on your library card).
  9. Grab your bag and enjoy!